
The Colburn School provides world-class performing arts education at all levels of development.

pianist reflection

Since our start as a community school in 1950, Colburn has spent more than seven decades as a haven for exemplary performing arts education available to young people throughout Los Angeles and worldwide.


As Colburn evolved in the 1980s, the School added jazz and chamber music to the curriculum, restructured the Suzuki and music theory programs, and established community outreach programs. Friday Night Recitals were created to give students performance opportunities outside the classroom, and in the following decades, Colburn added two spectacular recital halls to the campus—the 430-seat Zipper Hall and the 189-seat Thayer Hall. These spaces offer professional-level rehearsal and performance spaces on the School’s architecturally exquisite campus, which hosts more than 530 music and dance performances each year.


Never an institution to rest on its laurels, since the turn of the 21st century the School has added the world-renowned Conservatory of Music, the Trudl Zipper Dance Institute, and the Music Academy. Additionally, the Colburn Music Fund was created to help an even wider breadth of burgeoning talent access the Conservatory, and in 2018, the Center for Innovation and Community Impact was launched to both help prepare students for sustainable careers and nurture their passion and ability to serve their communities.


Like the work and artists it nurtures, the Colburn School exists in perpetual motion towards greater access and expression through art, making it a centerpiece of LA’s downtown arts district. As it enriches both the creative ecosystem as well as all the students who pass through its doors, Colburn serves as a hub for artistic expression and education at the core of one of the world’s great cities. Colburn will continue to lead as we build toward our future.


Total amount of
scholarships awarded
in 2022–23​


Students served through scholarships in 2022–23


Zip codes in LA County represented by Community School students


Performances each year by Colburn students and faculty and guest artists


Audience members at 

Colburn performances 

each year


of people felt that new and improved facilities in downtown Los Angeles are needed.


population chart


Community Engagement Programming


of Music


Community School


Music Academy


Trudl Zipper
Dance Institute


Our Leadership

Board of Directors


Andrew Millstein, Chairman
Carol Colburn Grigor, Life Chairman Emeritus

Vice Chairmen

David D. Colburn
Diane Naegele


Daniel L. Avchen
Henry Choi
Bethany Coffee
Richard W. Colburn
Linda Curtis
Jennifer F. Diener
Jerry Eberhardt
Darren Edwards
Juan Carlos Gonzalez
Terry Greene
Greg Guyett
Carol F. Henry
Catherine Colburn Høgel
William Kennedy
Molly Kirk
Aliza Lesser
Robert E. Lewis
Allan Marks
Beverly C. Marksbury
Worthy McCartney
Greg McWilliams
Ann Moore
Mahnaz Newman
Heinrich Schelbert, M.D., Ph.D
Harry B. Suh
Keith Terasaki
Dylan Yolles

Honorary Life Directors

Robert S. Attiyeh
Toby E. Mayman

In Memoriam

Alice Coulombe
David N. Barry
Iona Benson
Edmund D. Edelman
Robert B. Egelston
Warner Henry
Ann Ronus


Global Council

John B. Emerson and Kimberly Marteau Emerson
Dr. Jerrold D. Green
In Young Huh
Merle Mullin


Executive Leadership

Sel Kardan
President and Chief Executive Officer

Jennifer Kallend
Vice President, Communications

Maeesha Merchant
Executive Vice President, Chief Financial and Operating Officer

Annie Wickert
Senior Vice President of Philanthropy and Director, Capital Campaign

Mira Wolff
Vice President of Human Resources and General Counsel

Nathaniel Zeisler, DMA