Fall 2023

Plants as Performers

Renowned landscape design firm, OLIN, best known locally for the Getty Center gardens in Los Angeles, has created design plans for our Mullin Family Garden of Thoughts and Dreams on the rooftop of the dance school and our Choi Family Garden at Hill and 2nd Streets.

Human performers and audience will inhabit these spaces, and flora will also play a key role in the experience. Starring water-wise trees and flowering and non-flowering plants of all shapes and sizes, the Colburn Center’s natural surroundings will evolve throughout the seasons. The design calls for planting of mature trees and established plants, so garden guests can expect a lush symphony of foliage from day one.


The Colburn Center’s green spaces meet and exceed municipal and ecological codes and best practices such as:

— Surpass by nearly 50% the Bunker Hill public pedestrian plaza requirements with over 7,000 square feet of public performance-ready space where students of all ages, faculty, parents, visitors, and community members may gather, rehearse, converse, and relax as well as enjoy small performances.
While there are other public gardens on private land in downtown Los Angeles, few are as accessible or as active.

— Harness a robust underground storm water retention system that will allow storm water to be filtered and reused as irrigation in the landscaping of the over 7,000 square feet in the Choi Family Garden and adjacent sidewalk landscaping, as well as the 7,000 square foot Mullin Family Garden of Thoughts and Dreams.

— Contribute dozens of oxygen-emitting and carbon-neutralizing mature trees and plantings that will increase the area of the Los Angeles Urban Forest. The landscape architect, OLIN, has specified a unique variety of drought resistant plants and trees. And, the design calls for mature trees so that shade and the sense of place will be created on day one. The orientation of the garden in relation to daily shading will be a unique and attractive gathering place for the neighborhood.